
Nitomortar FC(B) is designed for application to blow holes and surface imperfections in concrete surfaces. It is suitable for application in thicknesses greater than 3 mm, and can be used in the following situations
– Filling blow holes prior to overcoating
-General reprofiling over large areas up to thicknesses greater than 3 mm


  • Cost effective – reduces usage of subsequent coatings
  • Cost effective – can be part mixed to suit repair areas
  • High performance – excellent chemical resistance, strong adhesion to concrete substrate
  • User friendly – easy to apply and finish, manufactured to meet local conditions


ثبت سفارش

گالری تصاویر

concrete repair
concrete repair
concrete repair
concrete repair

دیتاشیت محصول

گالری تصاویر

فارس ایران
محصولات فسروک ایران - ترمیم
محصولات فسروک ایران - کفسازی

دیتاشیت محصول

نقد و بررسی‌ها

هنوز بررسی‌ای ثبت نشده است.

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