
Renderoc LAXtra is suitable for mass infill to structural repairs in all types of loadbearing situation. Typical applications would include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Repairs to columns suffering from major loss of section
  • Soffit repairs where heavy loadbearing is required
  • Repairs to restricted access areas, where use of hand applied mortars would prove impractical
  • Repairs requiring high fluidity e.g. heavily congested steel or repairs into re-entrant angles/concealed voids
  • Any repairs requiring significant levels of loadbearing



Renderoc LAXtra features Dimensional Stability Technology
a new materials technology which controls the rate of drying
shrinkage such that, when used correctly:
I. The dimensions of the repair remain stable and thus
II. Eliminating failure, due to shrinkage cracking
This in turn leads to a series of associated benefits:

  • Cost effective – shrinkage control enables repairs to be completed ‘right first time’.
  • Enhanced durability – works in tandem with extremely low permeability to prolong effective working life.
  • Compatibility – aligns performance closer than ever before, to that of host concrete.
  • User friendly – specifically developed to provide an easy to- apply product, suitable for local conditions.
  • Definable performance – positive benefits are easily demonstrated via a single, simple measurement.


ثبت سفارش

گالری تصاویر

concrete repair
concrete repair
concrete repair
concrete repair

دیتاشیت محصول

گالری تصاویر

فارس ایران
محصولات فسروک ایران - ترمیم
محصولات فسروک ایران - کفسازی

دیتاشیت محصول

نقد و بررسی‌ها

هنوز بررسی‌ای ثبت نشده است.

اولین کسی باشید که دیدگاهی می نویسد “Renderoc Putty”

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